Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mushroom Chicken Rice


1 cup of rice
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon of garlic, chopped
1 tablespoon of onion, chopped
4 slices of ginger
2 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce
½ tablespoon of soya sauce
2 tablespoon of hua tiao wine
3 chicken thighs (cut to bite sized pieces)
10 slices Chinese sausage
3 mushroom, sliced
3 auriculariaceae, sliced (云耳)
20 干金针
½ tablespoon of salt
1 pinch of white pepper
1 spring onion

Marinate the chicken with garlic, onion, ginger, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, soya sauce, hua tiao wine, mushroom, auriculariaceae, 干金针,salt and pepper for at least 3 hours.

1. Wash the rice, then stir in with the rest of the ingredients.
2. Cook the mixture in a rice-cooker as you normally would for rice.

3. Steamed chinese sausage.
4. Mix sausage into cooked rice.
5. Garnish the cooked rice with spring onion

You can change the quantity of the ingredients to your preferences.

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